Thursday, November 20, 2008

time has flown

Okay, well apparently I'm bad at this updating thing. You'll have to forgive me. I'll try to shorten all that has happened since the end of Sept.

Alex is doing well in school. He was having a few "issues" with his behavior. Nothing really big. I spent a few afternoons with him, just the two of us. We played Wii one afternoon, we went to the library and we went to Sonic (he LOVES it there). After those 3 afternoons he started calming back into his usual behavior. I think sometimes we get so busy that we forget to spend 1 on 1 time with the kids. Don't get me wrong we do spend time with them. It's just it's normally Chris with Alex and me with Aidan. We're trying to switch each weekend and spending a few hours with each kid. It seems to have made a happier impact on the family as a whole. Alex did get his first report card, and we were very proud of him! He's starting to read already, and catching on really quickly.

Aidan for the most part has been great. I got a call at work a few weeks ago to pick him up for being sick, but he was okay after that afternoon. On Monday of this week, I got a call at work saying he had a 102 temp. I picked him up, gave him medicine and spent Tuesday with him. He didn't have a fever at all on Tuesday. Sent him back to school on Wednesday, and got a call around 4 in the afternoon saying he had a temp of 103. I pick him up, and they stop me on the way out to tell me that another kid in Aidan's class had just been diagnosed with walking pneumonia. Great! So this morning, just to be cautious, I brought him to the doctor. He has PNEUMONIA AND STREP! My poor baby! He had a shot at the office, and is taking augmentin and mucinex. Hopefully we can kick this thing quickly.

Chris, wow what do I say. Well at the end of October (the day before my bday), I got a call at work from him. He told me that I needed to come bring him to the ER. Apparently he was fixing one of the steel railings in the warehouse when a forklift came by and knocked it over. The brackets on the rail went into Chris' head. He had 3 gashes in his head, with 12 stitches total. I was a wreck, but we had lots of support from family and friends!

Chris' branch location has decided to downsize. Uh oh, right? Well you see, Chris just got a massive raise, a few weeks ago. But he called me literally 10 mins ago to tell me that layed off all but 5 people in the warehouse...basically the management team was left. They're all on salary, and they're all going to be taking a cut. His GM has promised that if he has to take Chris' salary, he'll give him the same amt at an hourly rate. Time will tell.

That brings it to me. Nothing really has happened with me. Just working, going to class, and trying to take care of my family. It's been a long stressful semester. But it's gonna be worth it when I'm student teaching next fall. I was kind of promoted at work. I'm now a front-end supervisor. I can audit registers and things like that. I enjoy it.

Okay, well so much for my shortened version. I'll try to update more than every 2 months from now on!