Thursday, February 19, 2009

so proud!

It's been a while so I've posted, but thought that I would share what's been going on the last few days of our lives. On Valentine's Day, Chris and I (and a guy he works with, Shawn) headed up to Clarksville for a gig he had. It was Shawn's birthday and he had asked to go, so Chris obliged. Anyway, Drew (Chris' best friend) was watching the boys for us. I guess I should mention that we technically had our Valentine's day on Friday night, so it wasn't that terrible to be in Clarksville. So on the way up to Clarksville I get a call from Drew telling me that when I had ordered the pizza (via Online) I had put carryout instead of delivery. I try to call and have them change it, but they tell me it'll take 2 hours. So we cancel the order, and Drew orders stuff from Pizza Hut. Anyway, we spend the evening at this biker joint, complete with drunk girls literally falling on me, and finally head home. We get here around 4 am, to a sick Alex. We spend Sunday taking care of him.

On Monday, Alex comes with me to class (I have class from 9 am-7pm)....he did an awesome job, and all the professors were completely great with the whole idea (thanks education dept!). Tuesday morning goes fine...I start cleaning up the house, and wham! I get whatever it is that Alex has. I start to feel a little better around 5:30 and head out to the daycare to pick up the boys. We leave, head across the road to Walgreens to return a Redbox DVD. We then go to Kroger.

Kroger was the worst experience EVER. We get food (something quick for Chris to make since I refused to eat), and head to the u-scan. I'm next in line and start getting dizzy. I'm about to pass out, and my credit card won't scan. The guy tells me something about it being a major credit card and him not able to type it in. Anyway, he gets it to work and I'm out of it. I'm sitting on the floor in the bathroom, trying not to pass out since I have both boys with me. Alex gets into the grocery cart, gets my phone out...and proceeds to call Chris. He tells Chris what's going on and that he needs to get to Kroger immediately to pick us up. He even describes in detail which Kroger it is. About 10 mins later, I'm feeling a little better...enough to walk to the car. So, I stand up and put my coat on and start to leave. Alex then tells me that I need to sit down that he's taken care of it and that Chris is on his way. I eventually get home, and go to sleep. We then had the sickness pass on to Aidan and Chris yesterday while I was not doing well myself.

Okay, so this whole long post was simply to say how grateful I am that Alex was there. We just got new phones a couple of weeks ago. I had explained to him Tuesday morning (the Kroger day), how to call on the phone in case anything ever happened and he needed to. I can't believe how big my little Alex has gotten. I am so blessed!