Monday, September 29, 2008

much needed

The four of us went on a last minute trip to NC this weekend. So many things brought us there, but it was definitely a much needed get away. Chris has been working ridiculous hours lately, and way beyond stressed. He's also been really sick. The weekend just gave him time to relax and get better. His parents pastor a church in Arden, NC and we just spent the weekend with them. We didn't do much of anything, just kind of sat around and relaxed.

We left around 8:30 from Hermitage on Friday night. We traveled for an hour and 15 mins, and I made a comment about how well we were doing on time....bad mistake. Literally 10 seconds later, we hear a pop and alot of "flop, flop, flop"-ing. We had a blowout. We had gone 112 miles. Chris tells me that as far as he knows, we don't have a spare in the truck. I ask him to check anyway, while I call around to figure out what we should do. He finds a spare, but realizes we don't have the lug wrench thingy. His AAA card is in his truck, and they can't find him in the system. I eventually find the old card and then they find him. They say they'll send out a truck to get us a wrench. We sit there...both kids asleep...both parents tired and on edge. A cop pulls behind us, helps Chris change the tire, escorts us to a gas station to put air in the tire. We proceed to drive to NC, going 52 mph....for a total of 7 1/2 hours. We went 200+ miles on a "doughnut". Do you know how dangerous that is? Anyway, we made it safely to his parents house. We got a new tire on Saturday, and realized that we have had 3 flat tires in the last 2 months, and bought a total of 5 tires in the last 3 months. No more flats please!

After we got back on the road I started thinking how lucky I am. I know it sounds frivilous, but I am extremely grateful that Chris was there and able to change the tire. I think sometimes I take for granted all the things he does...even the little things. I don't know how to change a tire, change the oil (or add it for that matter), or do anything like that. I found myself asking Chris about random things that he knows how to do (like roofing, I didn't know he had done that before). Anyway, I made sure I told him how grateful I was especially for the little things.

Okay last thing. Aidan started potty-training hard core last week. The preschool told us that he was ready for underwear....I didn't believe them. He's done super well! No accidents, even from driving this weekend. We're really proud of him...and really really happy that we don't have to buy diapers anymore. Between diapers and pull-ups we were paying about $40 every 2-3 weeks. Okay, that's my novel for today!

Friday, September 12, 2008

english please???

So I had to go pick up my bridesmaids dress in Cool Springs, on the way I noticed that the gas station by the stadium was at $3.55. I bypassed it, thinking I could get a better price somewhere. I get to Cool Springs, get the dress, grab Chris lunch from Calypso and head back to Keystone. After lunch, I notice gas prices are at $3.99. So I take my chances and head over to Shelby Ave hoping that gas was still cheaper there. It was at $3.59 so I get gas there. I'm waiting on my turn, and I notice this nice Lexus pull up. I'm on the phone with my mom and the driver gets out. I look over and he looks at me as I'm telling mom it's LenDale White! He sees me say his name and he kind of smiles, I guess because a girl actually knew who he was. (BTW, he plays for the Titans...I think he's a running back...not sure). Anyway, so I pull in, fratically texting Chris to tell him...but trying not to look like a big idiot. I start pumping and the passenger side window starts rolling down and I look up. It's yet another Titans player (who's acting like a big baby right now...) and I guess a friend of theirs. The friend says hey to me, asks me how I'm doing and then utters these words "let me holla 'atcha Ma". What exactly does that mean? Is that english? So, it kind of made it awkward when I explain to the guy I'm married, with kids. I really wanted a pic, or at least an autograph...but how do you do that when you've shooed away one of their friends? Anyway, so now all I've got is my proof. But if you talk to anyone who spoke to me afterwards, I'm sure my excitement could be all the proof needed. So if anyone wants to stake out the Exxon outside LP Field around 2:30, you might catch a Titan getting gas. And btw, even LenDale White was making a big deal out of the outrageous gas prices. If he's complaining based on his salary, I wonder if he can imagine what the rest of us are feeling.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

still amazed

So my car has been breaking for the past week and a half. It's a major issue since we own a car and a pickup if the car breaks we can't fit into the truck. Anyway, so I didn't get a chance until this past Friday to bring it up to the mechanic, but just to get an idea of what it was and how much it was going to cost. I was waiting on a call from work to go in, so I couldn't stay long. Basically, I have had my serpentine belt replaced twice over the course of 2 months. The second time also required a replacement of the turn-y thing-y that makes the belt...well...turn. We had that replaced on a Monday, 2 weeks ago. By Friday it started making this loud shaking noise. We open the hood to realize that the part that was just put on is shaking and vibrating. But, like I said it took me a week to get it to the mechanic. He wasn't sure what was going on and told me to bring it back in today after class. So that's what we had planned on. But, Sunday on the way to church the car starts "misfiring". So much so that I need to hold the clutch in extra long to keep the car from stalling. And while I'm idleing I have to hold the brake and rev the engine at the same time so the car doesn't turn off. Fast forward to today. I'm on my way to class (on I-24) getting off at Fessler's Lane, and the car stalls...going 65! I find out that I tested out of a class and start to leave TNU, and head over to Keystone. It's almost 2, so that means Happy Hour at Sonic. Yeah, the car stalled 3 times trying to back out of my parking space...and about another 15 times on the way to the mechanic. We never make it to Sonic :(. Anyway, we really didn't have money to fix the car (but definitely didn't tell anyone that), but like I said we needed it. The mechanic fixes it, and when I ask him what I owe him (typically would be in the $150-$200 [if not more] range for what all he had to do), he tells me "not to worry about it". I've been praying for a week that God would help me figure out a way to get the car fixed. I've been stressed beyond all reason and God had someone say "don't worry about it". We've been going to Joe since I was preggo with Aidan and he knows all of us well. God takes care of us time and time again, so why do I always try to figure it out myself? Anyway, my long "little" story for today. And if anyone needs a car fixed, The Mechanic's Shop in Madison is a great place!