Tuesday, August 12, 2008

He's off!

Alex started school yesterday. It's been a while since I've been so distraught over something. It's my little boy, and he's now having to do things for himself. Now don't get me wrong, I'm glad he's in school. He's been going to preschool off and on since 2004. The last preschool he went to (Two Rivers Baptist) was awesome. They really prepared him for Kindergarten, and his teacher (Ms. Katie Holmes...no seriously) was exceptional. Anyway, so back to yesterday. Metro schools have implemented a uniform policy. He can wear dressy or casual dressy pants and shorts (navy, black, khaki); and polos, turtlenecks or button ups (solid red, navy, white, green, yellow, light blue). Nothing more...no coats when it turns cold or anything. So he gets ready for school, we take a few pictures and we leave. Now, he got out yesterday (and will today too) at 11:30. I thought it was at 11, so there was no possible way they would eat lunch at school right? Yeah, wrong...I know owe the cafeteria $2 because I didn't send him with lunch or money. Okay, so we get out of the car and walk to the school...he's holding my hand the whole time, and very quiet. We enter the school and he lets go of my hand. I tried to hold his hand again and he says "Mom (not mommy), I'm big now I don't need to hold your hand." Completely crushing. I compose myself and we get to his classroom. His teacher ushers him in, brings him to his desk. She asks me to fill out his transportation papers and then we're rushed out. I didn't even get to tell him goodbye. He just sat right down, and became a little boy instead of my baby. I cried the whole way home, and most of the time he was gone. This morning was better, we dropped him off, he said goodbye and we left. Aidan on the other hand still keeps asking, "where Ally at?" It'll get better right? I'll post pics when Chris can fix my camera...it says I need to format the card which means that I would lose the pics.

On the way home from dropping him off yesterday my serpentine belt flew off. Great! We just replaced it in June, which means something else is wrong. We bring it to the mechanic who tells me that my crankshaft pulley broke off. So, after we pick Alex up this afternoon we'll head over to the mechanic to have it fixed. He gives us greatly discounted labor rates, probably because we're in there so much...but he says it's because he knows we have 2 small children and one income. We've been going to him since I was preggo with Aidan, so he knows us and our cars really well. Okay, well I'm going to go spend some quality time with the only baby I have left :(

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