Wednesday, August 6, 2008

So it begins

Upon looking and reading through a few of our friends' blogspots, Chris thought that maybe we should get one. It looked "cool" according to him. So here I am, blogging. Of course this isn't the only reason for the title of the blog. Alex starts school on Monday. It seems unreal to me that he could possibly be even close to starting school. He isn't 5, but it Metro-Nashville school systems, he only has to be 5 by Sept. 30th. He is so super excited about going to school though. He keeps telling me he's ready for homework, something I'll be reminding him of when he's 16 and complaining!

Aidan turned 2 on Monday. He had a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse party, a show that he's absolutely obessessed with. I'm still new at blogspot, and can't get the pictures at the bottom...I'll get better, I promise. Until then his pictures are at the top.

Chris is still at Keystone, shock I know. I start back to TNU at the end of August for my senior year (FINALLY!!!).

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