Friday, August 15, 2008

so confused!

Okay, so I'm a little confused on how to handle a I decided to post it to see what all you moms (and dads) think.

As you guys know Alex started school Monday. He gets in the car, tells me school isn't fun (he couldn't play on the computers which equals no fun). He got in trouble that morning because he didn't fold his hands in his lap during circle time. He told me his teacher wasn't nice. He gets a note sent home saying that starting Monday she will send home folders and behavior sheets. Okay fine. Tuesday I go to pick him up from school. They have a rule that the kids have to remain behind an orange cone and raise their hands when they see their parents. This prevents kids from running out into the parking lot with moving cars. Well, Alex forgot. So, as soon as he sees me standing in the grass he starts to run to me. I remind him to go back and raise his hand. As he's going back his teacher grabs his arm and kind of yanks him back into line. I was upset...but thought maybe it just looked worse from where I was standing. He gets in the car and tells me he got in trouble again, this time because he said "hi" to a neighborhood kid in the hallway. Wednesday goes fine. Thursday I go to pick him up and have an issue with a rude teacher...personal issue, he was rude...nothing to do with Alex. Fast forward to today (Friday). He gets a note sent home again. There are normally 4 Kindergarten teachers, but one quit over the summer leaving them with only 3 Kindergarten teachers. Not my problem, the school should have hired another. She says because of this she is left with 37 students in her classroom. So, she will not be sending home folders or behavior sheets because there are too many children in her classroom to do this on a daily basis. Her letter also included A LOT of grammatical errors. I understand the common 1-2, but spell check and grammar check can normally fix the majority of the problems. This letter had 10 errors.

So here's my issue...I don't know what to do. His teacher is one that *obviously* has tenure. I don't want to be one of "those" parents, but being an education student and one that is about to get her own classroom, I know how a classroom SHOULD be ran. So I'm stuck between the teacher in me and the parent in me. Both have issues with this teacher, but the teacher in me knows what it's like for a parent to pick some petty issue and harp on it. However, the parent in me doesn't feel like it's petty. She grabbed my child...and hard. He told me in the car it hurt. So what do I do? I want to give her the benefit of the doubt and stick it out for a couple of weeks...but I don't know if I can make it that long. The school just got a new principal, last year he was the principal at the school that a couple of our friends from church teach at. One of our friends knows one of the kindergarten teachers at his school, she's supposed to be really good. Ahh! I don't know what to do!!! What do you think??? Am I being petty?

****So I feel I should edit this a bit. My issue for the grammatical errors is nothing more than this is the teacher that will teach my son how to read and do basic writing. I'm not picking on her or anything, just pointing out that these mistakes are more noticeable when you're teaching Kindergarten. I should also point out that Chris is having major issues as well. He's the one that was pointing out all the grammatical errors, I didn't even say anything. Which, if you know Chris REALLY well, you know it's a big issue for HIM to pick up on those mistakes because usually he cannot see them. I also think that I should maybe schedule a conference with her during her planning time. This will allow me to talk to her one on one without bringing the principal in on it.****

1 comment:

HeatherLow said...

GURL!! Okay well the parent in me is screaming as is the teacher in me. Teachers KNOW not to touch children. Now, if he was running into oncoming traffic or she was trying to protect him, that's different. I would address that with the teacher first (because as a teacher, I'd like to know before my principal). Was that a typo or are there really 37 kindergarten students in ONE class? If so, that's an issue in itself. Get Alex in a smaller class...that's crazy. Some of the stuff he doesn't like is just normal. School is definitely more structured and more rulesy...he's going to have to deal with some of it. When he says "trouble" like for saying HI in the hall...what does that mean? Did she just ask him to be quiet or what? I would go sit and observe his class. Then, you can see for yourself. I'd also pop in unannounced every once in a while. I can't imagine NOT sending home behavior folders...I did it with fourth graders because it keeps on open line of communication every day. The principal needs to step up and hire a new teacher or you need to call the school board...that's crazy. About the typos...I might let that slide and worry about the bigger things. However, if the typos continue, I would address that with the principal probably. She should know better. Sorry for the super long response.